Consent to the processing of personal data

I, the user, am familiar with the requirements of Art. 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" and I give the administration of the website (hereinafter – "Executive") consent to the collection, storage, accumulation, use, processing, extraction, blocking, deletion, depersonalization, transfer and distribution of my personal data provided/to be provided by me in the process of using the portal, namely: last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, contact telephone numbers, e-mail addresses by the Contractor in accordance with the following purpose:

  • giving the user access to the personalized services of the portal's personal account.

The contractor undertakes to process personal data in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine on the processing of personal data.

I agree that my personal data may be transferred to third parties, if the conditions for providing the services I have applied for require it. The Contractor should not inform me additionally about such transfer.

I guarantee the Executor the legality of my actions, and I also bear independent responsibility for posting images, photographs (including documents certifying my identity), as well as information containing data of third parties (including for completeness and authenticity) such information)

I instruct the Contractor, if required by the rules and/or regulations of the relevant services, services, public domains, to publish my personal data in the databases of the relevant services, services, registers of public domains, in the form and sizes necessary for the functioning of such services, services, registers.

I agree that refusal to give consent to the processing of personal data or its withdrawal may lead to the following:


  • Refusal by the Contractor to provide relevant services, if these services cannot be provided without the need to process the user's personal data;
  • Removal or termination of the functioning of the personal account, in the case of the impossibility of its maintenance and operability without the need to process the user's personal data.


I have also been informed by the Contractor that in case of intention to withdraw my consent to the processing of my personal data by the Contractor, I must make the withdrawal by sending the appropriate order to the Contractor's address in a simple written form.


This consent is valid indefinitely.


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